Wikipesija:lipu suli

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tawa kulupu Wikimedia la lipu Wikipedia ale o toki lon ijo ni. sitelen li suli la, ni li ijo pi suli suli.

o sona e ni a! lipu ni li pana e nimi pi toki pona la, ni li toki ala e ni: sina o kepeken e nimi ni. nimi ni li ike tawa sina, o kepeken e nimi ante. (taso o sona e ni: nimi pi toki pona o tan nimi pi toki tan ijo. tan ni la sina toki ala e toki tan la, nimi li ken nasa kute tawa sina, li ken pona.) sina pali e lipu kepeken nimi ante la, o ante e nimi lon lipu ni, anu o pana e lipu tawa.


Artists and architects

  1. |Le Corbusierjan Kopusije
  2. Dalí, Salvadorjan Sapato Tali
  3. Dürer, Albrechtjan Apese Tuka
  4. Gogh, Vincent vanjan Winsen Tan Kowe
  5. Goya, Franciscojan Pansiko Koya
  6. Hokusaijan Okusa
  7. Kahlo, Fridajan Lita Kalo
  8. Leonardo da Vincijan Lejonato pi ma Winsi
  9. Matisse, Henrijan Anki Masi
  10. Michelangelojan Mikelanselo
  11. Picasso, Pablojan Palo Pikaso
  12. Raphaeljan Lapajele
  13. Rembrandtjan Wenpan
  14. Rubens, Peter Pauljan Pita Po Wupen
  15. Sinan, Mimarjan Mima Sinan
  16. Velázquez, Diegojan Sijeko Welakese
  17. Warhol, Andyjan Ansi Wolo
  18. Wright, Frank Lloydjan Panka Loto Wata

Authors, playwrights and poets

  1. Abu Nuwas
  2. Andersen, Hans Christian
  3. Austen, Jane
  4. Bashō
  5. Borges, Jorge Luis
  6. Byron, George
  7. Cervantes, Miguel de
  8. Chaucer, Geoffrey
  9. Chekhov, Anton
  10. Dante Alighieri
  11. Dickens, Charles
  12. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
  13. García Márquez, Gabriel
  14. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  15. Hafez
  16. Homer
  17. Hugo, Victor
  18. Joyce, James
  19. Kafka, Franz
  20. Kālidāsa
  21. Li Bai
  22. Naguib Mahfouz
  23. Molière
  24. Ovid
  25. Proust, Marcel
  26. Pushkin, Alexander
  27. Shakespeare, William
  28. Sophocles
  29. Tagore, Rabindranath
  30. Tolstoy, Leo
  31. Twain, Mark
  32. Virgil

Composers and musicians

  1. Armstrong, Louis
  2. Bach, Johann Sebastian
  3. Beatles, The
  4. Beethoven, Ludwig van
  5. Brahms, Johannes
  6. Chopin, Frédéric
  7. Dvořák, Antonín
  8. Handel, Georg Frideric
  9. Haydn, Joseph
  10. Jackson, Michael
  11. Kulthum, Umm
  12. Mahler, Gustav
  13. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
  14. Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
  15. Puccini, Giacomo
  16. Schubert, Franz
  17. Stravinsky, Igor
  18. Tchaikovsky, Petr
  19. Verdi, Giuseppe
  20. Vivaldi, Antonio
  21. Wagner, Richard

Explorers and travelers

  1. Amundsen, Roald
  2. Armstrong, Neil
  3. Cartier, Jacques
  4. Columbus, Christopher
  5. Cook, James
  6. Cortés, Hernán
  7. Gagarin, Yuri
  8. da Gama, Vasco
  9. Ibn Battuta
  10. Magellan, Ferdinand
  11. Polo, Marco
  12. Zheng He

Film directors, screenwriters and actors

  1. Bergman, Ingmar
  2. Bernhardt, Sarah
  3. Chaplin, Charlie
  4. Dietrich, Marlene
  5. Disney, Walt
  6. Eisenstein, Sergei
  7. Fellini, Federico
  8. Hitchcock, Alfred
  9. Kubrick, Stanley
  10. Kurosawa, Akira
  11. Monroe, Marilyn
  12. Ray, Satyajit

Inventors, scientists and mathematicians

  1. Archimedes
  2. Avicenna
  3. Berners-Lee, Tim
  4. Brahmagupta
  5. Copernicus, Nicolaus
  6. Curie, Marie
  7. Darwin, Charles
  8. Edison, Thomas
  9. Einstein, Albert
  10. Euclid
  11. Euler, Leonhard
  12. Faraday, Michael
  13. Fermi, Enrico
  14. Ford, Henry
  15. Galen
  16. Galileo Galilei
  17. Gauss, Carl Friedrich
  18. Gutenberg, Johannes
  19. Hilbert, David
  20. Joule, James Prescott
  21. Kepler, Johannes
  22. al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa
  23. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
  24. Linnaeus, Carl
  25. Maxwell, James Clerk
  26. Mendeleev, Dmitri
  27. Newton, Sir Isaac
  28. Pasteur, Louis
  29. Planck, Max
  30. Rutherford, Ernest
  31. Schrödinger, Erwin
  32. Tesla, Nikola
  33. Turing, Alan
  34. Watt, James

Philosophers and social scientists

  1. Aristotle
  2. Beauvoir, Simone de
  3. Chanakya
  4. Confucius
  5. Descartes, René
  6. Freud, Sigmund
  7. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
  8. Heidegger, Martin
  9. Ibn Khaldun
  10. Kant, Immanuel
  11. Keynes, John Maynard
  12. Laozi
  13. Locke, John
  14. Machiavelli, Niccolò
  15. Marx, Karl
  16. Nietzsche, Friedrich
  17. Plato
  18. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
  19. Sartre, Jean-Paul
  20. Sima Qian
  21. Smith, Adam
  22. Socrates
  23. Voltaire
  24. Weber, Max
  25. Wittgenstein, Ludwig
  26. Zhu Xi

Political leaders

  1. Akbar
  2. Alexander the Great
  3. Ashoka
  4. Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal
  5. Augustus
  6. von Bismarck, Otto
  7. Bolívar, Simón
  8. Bonaparte, Napoleon
  9. Caesar, Julius
  10. Charlemagne
  11. Churchill, Winston
  12. Constantine the Great
  13. Cyrus the Great
  14. de Gaulle, Charles
  15. Elizabeth I of England
  16. Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand
  17. Genghis Khan
  18. Guevara, Che
  19. Hitler, Adolf
  20. Joan of Arc
  21. King, Martin Luther, Jr.
  22. Lenin, Vladimir
  23. Lincoln, Abraham
  24. Louis XIV
  25. Luxemburg, Rosa
  26. Mandela, Nelson
  27. Mao Zedong
  28. Nehru, Jawaharlal
  29. Nkrumah, Kwame
  30. Peter the Great
  31. Qin Shi Huang
  32. Roosevelt, Franklin D.
  33. Saladin
  34. Stalin, Joseph
  35. Suleiman the Magnificent
  36. Sun Yat-sen
  37. Tamerlane
  38. Umar
  39. Washington, George

Religious figures and theologians

  1. Abraham
  2. Aquinas, Thomas
  3. Augustine of Hippo
  4. Buddha
  5. Al-Ghazali
  6. Jesus
  7. Luther, Martin
  8. Moses
  9. Muhammad
  10. Nagarjuna


  1. Atheism
  2. Beauty
  3. Dialectic
  4. Ethics
  5. Epistemology
  6. Free will
  7. Knowledge
  8. Logic
  9. Materialism
  10. Philosophy
  11. Reality
  12. Truth


  1. Fundamentalism
  2. God
    1. Monotheism
    2. Polytheism
  3. Mythology
  4. Religion
  5. Soul
  6. Specific religions
    1. Buddhism
    2. Christianity
      1. Catholic Church
    3. Confucianism
    4. Hinduism
      1. Trimurti
    5. Islam
      1. Sunni Islam
    6. Jainism
    7. Judaism
    8. Sikhism
    9. Taoism
    10. Zoroastrianism
  7. Spiritual practices
    1. Sufism
    2. Yoga
    3. Zen

Social sciences

  1. Society
  2. Civilization
  3. Education


  1. Behavior
  2. Emotion
  3. Love
  4. Mind
  5. Psychology
  6. Thought

Family and relationships

  1. Family
  2. Child
  3. Man
  4. Marriage
  5. Woman


  1. Politics
  2. Colonialism
  3. Diplomacy
  4. Government
    1. Democracy
    2. Dictatorship
    3. Monarchy
    4. Republic
  5. Ideology
    1. Anarchism
    2. Communism
    3. Conservatism
    4. Fascism
    5. Liberalism
    6. Marxism
    7. Nationalism
    8. Socialism
  6. Imperialism
  7. State (polity)
  8. Political party
  9. Propaganda

Business and economics

  1. Economics
  2. Capital
  3. Capitalism
  4. Currency
    1. Euro
    2. Japanese yen
    3. United States dollar
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Money
  7. Tax


  1. Law
  2. Constitution

International organizations

  1. African Union
  2. Arab League
  3. ASEAN
  4. Commonwealth of Nations
  5. European Union
  6. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
  7. NATO
  8. Nobel Prize
  9. OPEC
  10. United Nations
    1. International Court of Justice
    2. International Monetary Fund
    3. UNESCO
    4. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    5. World Health Organization
  11. World Bank
  12. World Trade Organization

War and military

  1. Military
  2. Peace
  3. Terrorism
  4. War
    1. Civil war

Social issues

  1. Abortion
  2. Capital punishment
  3. Feminism
  4. Globalization
  5. Human rights
  6. Poverty
  7. Racism
  8. Slavery

Language and literature

  1. Language
  2. Specific languages
    1. Arabic
    2. Bengali
    3. Chinese
    4. English
    5. French
    6. German
    7. Greek
    8. Hebrew
    9. Hindi-Urdu
    10. Japanese
    11. Latin
    12. Persian
    13. Portuguese
    14. Russian
    15. Sanskrit
    16. Spanish
    17. Swahili
    18. Turkish
  3. Linguistics
  4. Grammar
  5. Word
    1. Phoneme
    2. Syllable
  6. Writing system
    1. Arabic alphabet
    2. Chinese characters
    3. Cyrillic script
    4. Greek alphabet
    5. Hangul
    6. Latin alphabet
  7. Literacy
  8. Translation
  9. Literature
    1. Prose
      1. The Art of War
    2. Fiction
      1. One Thousand and One Nights
    3. Novel
      1. Dream of the Red Chamber
      2. The Tale of Genji
    4. Poetry
      1. Epic of Gilgamesh
      2. Iliad
      3. Mahābhārata
      4. Shāhnāma


  1. Measurement
  2. International System of Units

Weight, volume and distance

  1. Kilogram
  2. Litre
  3. Metre


  1. Calendar
    1. Gregorian calendar
  2. Clock
  3. Second
  4. Day
  5. Year
  6. Time zone


  1. Science
  2. Nature


  1. Astronomy
  2. Asteroid
  3. Big Bang
  4. Black hole
  5. Comet
  6. Galaxy
    1. Milky Way
  7. Moon
  8. Planet
    1. Earth
    2. Jupiter
    3. Mars
    4. Mercury
    5. Neptune
    6. Saturn
    7. Uranus
    8. Venus
  9. Solar System
  10. Spaceflight
  11. Star
    1. Sun
  12. Universe


  1. Biology
  2. Biological materials
    1. DNA
    2. Enzyme
    3. Hormone
    4. Protein
  3. Botany
  4. Death
    1. Suicide
  5. Ecology
    1. Endangered species
  6. Domestication
  7. Life
  8. Biological classification
    1. Species

Biological processes

  1. Metabolism
    1. Digestion
    2. Photosynthesis
    3. Breathing
  2. Evolution
  3. Reproduction
    1. Pregnancy
    2. Sex


  1. Organism
  2. Animal
    1. Nematode
    2. Mollusca
    3. Arthropod
      1. Insect
        1. Ant
        2. Bee
        3. Mosquito
      2. Spider
    4. Chordate
      1. Amphibian
      2. Bird
        1. Chicken
        2. Pigeons and doves
      3. Fish
        1. Shark
      4. Mammal
        1. Camel
        2. Cat
        3. Cattle
        4. Dog
        5. Horse
        6. Sheep
        7. Rodent
        8. Domestic pig
        9. Primate
          1. Human
        10. Marine mammal
          1. Whales, dolphins and porpoises
      5. Reptile
        1. Dinosaur
        2. Snake
  3. Archaea
  4. Bacteria
  5. Fungus
  6. Plant
    1. Flower
    2. Tree
  7. Protist


  1. Anatomy
  2. Breast
  3. Cell
  4. Circulatory system
    1. Blood
    2. Heart
  5. Endocrine system
  6. Human gastrointestinal tract
    1. Large intestine
    2. Small intestine
    3. Liver
  7. Muscle
  8. Nervous system
    1. Brain
    2. Nerve
    3. Sensory system
      1. Ear
      2. Nose
      3. Eye
  9. Reproductive system
  10. Respiratory system
  11. Skeleton
  12. Skin

Health and medicine

  1. Medicine
  2. Addiction
    1. Ethanol
    2. Tobacco
  3. Alzheimer's disease
  4. Cancer
  5. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  6. Common cold
  7. Dentistry
  8. Disability
    1. Blindness
    2. Deafness
  9. Mental disorder
  10. Disease
  11. Epilepsy
  12. Pharmaceutical drug
    1. Antibiotic
  13. Health
  14. Gastroenteritis
  15. Headache
  16. Heart attack
  17. Immune system
  18. Malaria
  19. Malnutrition
  20. Menstruation
  21. Obesity
  22. Pandemic
  23. Pneumonia
  24. Poliomyelitis
  25. Sexually transmitted disease
    1. AIDS
  26. Stroke
  27. Tuberculosis
  28. Diabetes mellitus
  29. Vaccine
  30. Virus
    1. Influenza
    2. Smallpox


  1. Chemistry
  2. Inorganic chemistry
  3. Biochemistry
  4. Chemical compound
    1. Acid
    2. Base (chemistry)
    3. Salt
  5. Chemical element
    1. Periodic table
    2. Aluminium
    3. Carbon
    4. Copper
    5. Gold
    6. Hydrogen
    7. Iron
    8. Nitrogen
    9. Oxygen
    10. Silver
    11. Tin
  6. Organic chemistry
    1. Alcohol
    2. Carbohydrate
    3. Lipid
  7. Molecule
  8. Analytical chemistry
  9. Physical chemistry

Earth science

  1. Climate
  2. Earth water cycle
  3. El Niño–Southern Oscillation
  4. Global warming
  5. Earthquake
  6. Geology
    1. Mineral
      1. Diamond
    2. Plate tectonics
    3. Rock
  7. Natural disaster
    1. Flood
    2. Tsunami
  8. Volcano
  9. Weather
    1. Cloud
    2. Rain
    3. Snow
    4. Tornado
    5. Tropical cyclone
    6. Wind


  1. Physics
  2. Acceleration
  3. Atom
  4. Energy
    1. Conservation of energy
  5. Electromagnetic radiation
    1. Infrared
    2. Ultraviolet
    3. Light
      1. Color
  6. Classical mechanics
  7. Force
    1. Electromagnetic force
      1. Magnetic field
    2. Gravitation
    3. Strong interaction
    4. Weak interaction
  8. Magnet
  9. Mass
  10. Metal
    1. Steel
  11. Nuclear fission
  12. State of matter
    1. Gas
    2. Liquid
    3. Plasma
    4. Solid
  13. Quantum mechanics
  14. Radioactive decay
  15. General relativity
  16. Special relativity
  17. Semiconductor
  18. Sound
  19. Velocity
    1. Speed of light
  20. Temperature
  21. Time
  22. Thermodynamics
  23. Vacuum


  1. Mathematics
  2. Arithmetic
    1. Logarithm
    2. Number
    3. Number theory
  3. Algebra
    1. Complex number
    2. Equation
    3. Linear algebra
  4. Geometry
    1. Angle
    2. Area
    3. Coordinate system
    4. Pi
    5. Pythagorean theorem
    6. Symmetry
    7. Trigonometry
  5. Mathematical analysis
    1. Differential equation
    2. Numerical analysis
  6. Probability and statistics
    1. Probability
    2. Statistics
  7. Logic and foundations
    1. Function (mathematics)
    2. Infinity
    3. Mathematical proof
    4. Set theory

Food and agriculture


  1. Agriculture
    1. Irrigation
    2. Plough


  1. Food
  2. Bread
  3. Cereal
    1. Barley
    2. Maize
    3. Oat
    4. Rice
    5. Rye
    6. Sorghum bicolor
    7. Wheat
  4. Cheese
  5. Chocolate
  6. Honey
  7. Fruit
    1. Apple
    2. Banana
    3. Grape
    4. Soybean
    5. Lemon
    6. Nut (fruit)
  8. Meat
  9. Sugar
  10. Vegetable
    1. Potato


  1. Beer
  2. Coffee
  3. Juice
  4. Milk
  5. Tea
  6. Water
  7. Wine


  1. Technology
  2. Biotechnology
  3. Clothing
    1. Cotton
  4. Engineering
    1. Machine
    2. Robot
    3. Screw
    4. Wheel
  5. Metallurgy
  6. Nanotechnology


  1. Communication
  2. Book
  3. Information
    1. Encyclopedia
  4. Journalism
    1. Newspaper
    2. Mass media
  5. Printing
  6. Telephone


  1. Electronics
    1. Electric current
    2. Frequency
  2. Components
    1. Capacitor
    2. Inductor
    3. Transistor
    4. Diode
    5. Resistor
    6. Transformer

Computers and Internet

  1. Computer
    1. Hard disk drive
    2. Central processing unit
  2. Artificial intelligence
  3. Information technology
    1. Algorithm
  4. Internet
    1. Email
    2. World Wide Web
  5. Operating system
  6. Programming language
  7. Software

Energy and fuels

  1. Renewable energy
  2. Electricity
    1. Nuclear power
  3. Fossil fuel
  4. Engine
    1. Internal combustion engine
    2. Steam engine
  5. Fire


  1. Glass
  2. Paper
  3. Plastic
  4. Wood


  1. Transport
  2. Aircraft
  3. Automobile
  4. Bicycle
  5. Submarine
  6. Ship
  7. Train


  1. Weapon
    1. Sword
    2. Firearm
      1. Machine gun
    3. Nuclear weapon
  2. Tank
  3. Explosive material
    1. Gunpowder

Arts and recreation

  1. Culture
  2. Art
    1. Comics
    2. Painting
    3. Photography
    4. Sculpture
    5. Pottery
  3. Dance
  4. Fashion
  5. Theatre
  6. Calligraphy

Architecture and civil engineering

  1. Architecture
  2. Arch
  3. Bridge
  4. Canal
  5. Dam
  6. Dome
  7. House
  8. Specific structures
    1. Angkor Wat
    2. Colosseum
    3. Great Wall of China
    4. Eiffel Tower
    5. Empire State Building
    6. Hagia Sophia
    7. Parthenon
    8. Giza Pyramid Complex
    9. St. Peter's Basilica
    10. Statue of Liberty
    11. Taj Mahal
    12. Three Gorges Dam
  9. Pyramid
  10. Tower

Film, radio and television

  1. Film
    1. Animation
  2. Radio
  3. Television


  1. Music
  2. Song
  3. Specific music genres
    1. Blues
    2. Classical music
      1. Opera
      2. Symphony
    3. Electronic music
    4. Flamenco
    5. Hip hop
    6. Jazz
    7. Reggae
    8. Rock music
    9. Samba
  4. Specific musical instruments
    1. Drum
    2. Flute
    3. Guitar
    4. Piano
    5. Trumpet
    6. Violin


  1. Game
    1. Backgammon
    2. Chess
    3. Go (game)
    4. Video game
  2. Gambling
  3. Martial arts
    1. Judo
  4. Olympic Games
  5. Sport
    1. Athletics
    2. Ball games
      1. Baseball
      2. Basketball
      3. Cricket
      4. Association football
      5. Golf
      6. Rugby
      7. Tennis
    3. Swimming
  6. Toy


  1. History

Prehistory and ancient world

  1. Prehistory
  2. Stone Age
  3. Bronze Age
  4. Iron Age
  5. Mesopotamia
  6. Sumer
  7. Ancient Egypt
  8. Ancient Greece
  9. Roman Empire
  10. Han Dynasty
  11. Gupta Empire

Middle Ages and Early Modern

  1. Abbasid Caliphate
  2. Age of Enlightenment
  3. Aztec
  4. Byzantine Empire
  5. Crusades
  6. Holy Roman Empire
  7. Inca
  8. Mali Empire
  9. Mayan Civilization
  10. Middle Ages
  11. Mongol Empire
  12. Ming Dynasty
  13. Ottoman Empire
  14. Protestant Reformation
  15. Renaissance
  16. Tang Dynasty
  17. Vikings


  1. Arab-Israeli conflict
  2. American Civil War
  3. Apartheid
  4. British Empire
  5. Cold War
  6. Cultural Revolution
  7. French Revolution
  8. Great Depression
  9. The Holocaust
  10. Industrial Revolution
  11. Nazi Germany
  12. Meiji Restoration
  13. Russian Revolution
  14. Qing Dynasty
  15. Vietnam War
  16. World War I
  17. World War II


  1. Geography
  2. City
  3. Continent
  4. Forest
  5. Mountain
  6. Desert
  7. North Pole
  8. Ocean
  9. River
  10. Sea
  11. South Pole

Continents and major regions

  1. Africa
  2. Antarctica
  3. Asia
  4. Europe
  5. Middle East
  6. North America
  7. Oceania
  8. South America


Eventually, there should be articles on most or all of the countries listed at List of countries. However, for the smaller Wikipedias, some of the more high-priority countries to have articles on are:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Argentina
  4. Australia
  5. Austria
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Brazil
  8. Canada
  9. China
  10. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  11. Cuba
  12. Egypt
  13. Ethiopia
  14. France
  15. Germany
  16. India
  17. Indonesia
  18. Iran
  19. Iraq
  20. Israel
  21. Italy
  22. Japan
  23. Mexico
  24. Netherlands
  25. Nigeria
  26. Pakistan
  27. Philippines
  28. Poland
  29. Portugal
  30. Russia
  31. Saudi Arabia
  32. Singapore
  33. South Africa
  34. South Korea
  35. Spain
  36. Sudan
  37. Switzerland
  38. Tanzania
  39. Thailand
  40. Turkey
  41. Ukraine
  42. United Kingdom
  43. United States
  44. Vatican City
  45. Venezuela
  46. Vietnam


  1. Amsterdam
  2. Athens
  3. Baghdad
  4. Bangkok
  5. Beijing
  6. Berlin
  7. Bogotá
  8. Brussels
  9. Buenos Aires
  10. Cairo
  11. Cape Town
  12. Damascus
  13. Delhi
  14. Dhaka
  15. Dubai
  16. Hong Kong
  17. Istanbul
  18. Jakarta
  19. Jerusalem
  20. Karachi
  21. Kinshasa
  22. Kolkata
  23. Lagos
  24. London
  25. Los Angeles
  26. Madrid
  27. Mecca
  28. Mexico City
  29. Moscow
  30. Mumbai
  31. Nairobi
  32. New York City
  33. Paris
  34. Rio de Janeiro
  35. Rome
  36. Saint Petersburg
  37. São Paulo
  38. Seoul
  39. Shanghai
  40. Sydney
  41. Tehran
  42. Tokyo
  43. Vienna
  44. Washington, D.C.

Bodies of water

  1. Amazon River
  2. Arctic Ocean
  3. Atlantic Ocean
  4. Baltic Sea
  5. Black Sea
  6. Caribbean Sea
  7. Caspian Sea
  8. Congo River
  9. Danube
  10. Ganges
  11. Great Barrier Reef
  12. Great Lakes
  13. Indian Ocean
  14. Indus River
  15. Lake Baikal
  16. Lake Tanganyika
  17. Lake Victoria
  18. Mediterranean Sea
  19. Mississippi River
  20. Niger River
  21. Nile
  22. North Sea
  23. Pacific Ocean
  24. Panama Canal
  25. Rhine
  26. Suez Canal
  27. Southern Ocean
  28. Volga River
  29. Yangtze River
  30. Yellow River

Mountains and deserts

  1. Alps
  2. Andes
  3. Himalayas
    1. Mount Everest
  4. Mount Kilimanjaro
  5. Rocky Mountains
  6. Sahara