User contributions for Lapulesija

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o alasa e anteo sulio lili


  • 11:59:222022-07-06T11:59:22 ante pini +26 s ma tomo SaweLapulesija moved page ma tomo Sawe to ma tomo Sane: What is the purpose of w? We need n in place of w. My new name is based on Wu/Shanghainese, so Sanaji would be a Mandarin alternative. You can change the name if my name is not good enough, because there is no official name. current Tag: New redirect
  • 11:59:222022-07-06T11:59:22 ante pini 0 l ma tomo SaneLapulesija moved page ma tomo Sawe to ma tomo Sane: What is the purpose of w? We need n in place of w. My new name is based on Wu/Shanghainese, so Sanaji would be a Mandarin alternative. You can change the name if my name is not good enough, because there is no official name.